Pre Primary Section
Pre-Primary Section:
A plethora of activities along with the best educational facility, is what awaits our young toddlers in the beginning of their learning stage. Spacious, bright and well-ventilated classrooms with colourful furniture provide an attractive and comfortable ambience. Equipments are regularly updated to suit the requirements of the students. Children can enjoy in sandpit & outdoor play area. Field-trips organized on a regular basis, provide opportunities to learn by experience. Special days like Recitation Day, Grandparents Day, Smiling Day, Puppet Show etc help overall personality development of the child. Birthday celebrations in school make every child feel special on that day.
School’s magnificent structure, Spacious corridors and atrium with safety net

The Pre-Primary section has bright, spacious and airy classrooms on the first floor of the building with colourful, bright and appealing furniture. The walls are beautifully decorated with colourful paintings pertaining to the topics which are taught in the class and are changed regularly.

Students get hands on experience to operate a desktop computer.

Jankidevi Public School provides a splendid and peaceful library.

The tiny toddlers of our school are set to get wet. Our school has come up with the baby pool. The idea is to give our young divers confidence in the water from the early age, paving the way for more structured swimming lessons as they grow up. So, our little swimmers are set for some gentle splash and splish in the water.

Various outdoor games allow children to challenge themselves in safety which also improves confidence.

A play room is provided for the children with the latest toys and other play equipment, taking utmost care of the safety of the little ones.

Music and dance engage the brain. They help cultivate communication skills and allow students to express themselves. They help foster physical skills and contribute to creativity and imagination.

An indoor sandpit to develop find and gross motor skills. Sand play promotes imagination. Children love sand so it creates a great gathering place that encourages children to communicate, work together, share, be creative and witness other children being creative.

A joy ride for the children

Clean and hygienic boys and girls washroom exclusively for pre-primary section

The Language Development Programme (LDP Class) works towards the holistic development of Jankians which includes enriching their vocabulary, polishing their pronunciation and making them more aware, informed, courteous and polite. It enhances their English language skills and shapes their personality thus making them confident global citizens.

The Language Development Programme (LDP Class) gives an opportunity to Jankians to measure their linguistic competence through various speech exams conducted by Trinity College, London. Exams are voluntary and successful candidates are awarded Certificates.

In-School Events and activities
Kids danced and rejoiced to the tunes of Navratri music

Field trips organised on a regular basis provide opportunities to learn by experience
The Field trip to the supermarket is packed with a lot of hands on learning where the tiny tots learn not only about fruits, vegetables and groceries but also math and finances.

Our young students have an opportunity to immerse themselves in the outdoors and connect with nature thus creating a meaningful and lasting impact.

The Field trip to the bird sanctuary is an exceptional educational cum enjoyable guided tour where in the children are exposed to a wide range of birds and insects widening the scope of their knowledge.

Puppet shows help promote social and emotional development in children by allowing them to enter an imaginary world and at the same time discover important skills. At JPS our tiny tots are given ample opportunities to explore their imaginations and express themselves.

This marks the end of the theme of the month with children presenting various topics covered during the month which help boost their confidence.

The new normal: Education is delivered uninterrupted on the virtual platform
We at JPS promptly and effectively transitioned from classroom learning to the virtual platform. We took the opportunity to turn the current crisis into our driving force and not only continued to impart education but also celebrated various festivals and events without diluting on the quality. The students did not miss out on the fun and frolic of the cultural celebrations though on a different platform.
Here is a glimpse of our virtual learning made easy and fun loving.
JPS has a strong vision, with an unparallel curriculum powered by a dynamic team and has emerged as one of the finest Schools in Mumbai.
The pandemic has led to student doing online classes, something which we could never imagine for kids of 4-5 yrs. Being a daughter of a teacher I understand how difficult the job is in normal times and more so in pandemic where kids had to adopt to new normal. I would like to highlight the efforts put in by the teachers wherein they have ensured that online learning is as enjoyable as in person learning. Could never imagine that an art and craft class can be done in such a smooth manner, making learning such a fun activity. I would also like to mention the LDP class taken by the teacher who with her extremely sweet gestures and excellent language makes kids feel at home. May you keep enriching lives like this.
With a bit of effort from me and lots of learning from the teachers, my daughter has started reading books!! Something which I was desperately waiting for her to do as I myself am an avid reader. Now, almost every night, my daughter and I sit with our respective books and read individually taking breaks only to laugh and giggle and enjoy each other’s silent company.
The teachers are really working hard to impart education to our kids. Good work must always be appreciated is what I feel. They deal with kids with lots of patience and good spirit. And they give everybody opportunity to speak and pay attention to all the kids.
I would like to sincerely thank the teachers for the constant guidance and support to the kids. Indeed it was an unusual year for all of us but we have sailed through it. Also, a heartfelt thank you to the Principal and the Head Mistress for all the love and support.